Friday, October 5, 2007

Happiness is…

Lonely Planet’s World Food: India quotes an Indian philosopher as saying “Happiness is… a dry fart.” Its no surprise that this truly would bring about happiness for most travelers in India, but there’s a whole world of new things that bring about happiness for me here in Bangalore—most are simple, but really can turn a bad or frustrating day good.

This entry is all about the little things that “happiness” has become.

Happiness is…listening to my Ipod while sitting in an auto rickshaw. This is the most relaxing thing I can do when the streets are swarming with cars, cows, and little children trying to get money from you by doing unimpressive tricks (i.e. spinning their heads in circles while wearing a hat with a string and ball on it). Its impossible to communicate with the rickshaw drivers since they generally only speak Kannada, so why not sit back, turn up a good tune, and sing along. This simple pleasure turns a tedious journey into a good time. I also enjoy it because it’s creating a soundtrack to the intense sites, smells, and experiences that I am having here.

Happiness is…going to a Barista after a long day. I’ve always enjoyed relaxing in a coffee shop with a good book, but going to Barista (a Starbucks like coffee chain) really brings an entirely new sense of enjoyment to this activity. In reality, Barista is my comfort zone here in India. Its one place I can count on to have good music, no crowds, and delicious coffee.

Happiness is…an auto ride without the need for bargaining. I get it. I’m white in a sea of brown, and to an auto driver that means money in a sea of empty wallets. Little does he know, I’m earning a modest salary (even by Indian standards) and genuinely cant afford to pay 200 rupees for a 30 rupee ride. That’s why when I step into an auto and the driver starts the meter without me having to argue, plead, get out of the auto and threaten to walk away, I’m happy. Very happy.

Happiness is…paved roads and sunny days. You guessed it. I have a lovely commute to work on a dirt road, which during monsoon season spells G-R-O-S-S. Gross mud, gross, smells, and gross shoes that leave trails of dirt everywhere. Three or four days of sun / or limited rain, makes all the difference at 8 a.m. when I embark on my walk to work.

Happiness is…winning the war occurring inside my stomach. Just about every meal I sit down to, I think to myself…This could be the meal that sends me into days of stomach pain, agony, and general mess. Upon finishing the meal-- when I’m not sure if my stomach is about to expel what it has just taken in or is just on fire from the massive amounts of spice-- I imagine my stomach in the midst of a war. That’s why each meal, when my stomach cools down and it becomes apparent that I have won the war, I’m quite happy.

What’s made you happy lately that’s been a surprise?

1 comment:

SHiNE said...

happiness is enjoying an evening meal with a friend, while speaking English, reminiscing about family.